Peter Guber and Jully Black

Peter Guber

“You have to embrace failure in order to succeed.”  Great advice. Now all nice things aside, I cannot believe hollywood spends half of a billion dollars to make a movie, and I still can’t think of a “blockbuster” movie worth watching from the last few years. There is so much crap. I guess you can’t buy creativity. Regardless, Guber has made some great movies. Midnight Express is fantastic, and so is Rainman- although it always reminds me of the good ol’ days when Tom Cruise wasnt such a creeper. In this interview, George and Peter discuss the need for celebrities in movies, and that dealing with those trainwrecks is a small price to pay to have someone in your flick that draws crowds. I get that. However, Peter also refers to this small number of elite Hollywood  actors as being “super talented.” That is definately something I disagree with. I can name maybe four or five really great actors in Hollywood who’s creativity outweighs their stupid choices. The rest are just hired for being goodlooking, and thats unfortunate.

Regardless, I really enjoyed hearing someone speak frankly about the “Hollywood” movie industry, even if he was mildly trying to justify its stupidty.

Toward the end of the interview George brought up  a really important point about the effect that the strong loonie is going to have on the Canadian movie industry, more specifically the Hollywood movies that are made on the Canadian side of the border. Its not so cheap for them to work here anymore. Its unfortunate that the interview ended right when that discussion was just beginning, but it was a good point nonetheless…

 Jully Black

Jully Black is continuing the trend of women making awesome original music in this country without compromising their personal image or their dignity. Although she really didnt speak much to the issue of women being convinced to act a certain way in order to attrack the spotlight, she spoke about how becoming a woman has helped her to articulate her own story. maybe its the people that she has surrounded herself with, or all the hard work that she has put in to her career, but it is so evident in this interview that Jully has her head right on her shoulders- the celebrity that comes with being a music star has not filled her head with air or candy coated her one bit. Toward the end of the interview George asked her about the Jobs Ontario Youth (JOY) program that allowed Jully to become the artist that she is today, and the fact that this program has since been cancelled. To read more about what this program has done for Toronto youth and urban music, read this:

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